Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Anxiety, you suck.

Confession time: I can be an anxious person. Not all the time, but when it hits it really sucks. Especially when it comes to social situations.  All I can think about is what judgmental or unkind thing someone might think or say about me.  I close off  completely and I end up feeling miserable. It is exhausting and I am tired of letting anxiety be in charge. I have decided to take charge of my anxious tendencies. Which is incredibly huge for me. I want to be able to be around people and not spend the whole time internally freaking out about what awful things someone may or may not be thinking about me. I want stop internalizing other's reactions to me. I want to kick the horrible demon that is anxiety out of my life.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Touch Your Nose If You Are Listening!

The title of this post comes from a phrase I used when working with little children. I still feel like shouting this today. Being a stay at home mom can be really great, but it can also be really lonely and isolating.  Whenever I get asked by others what I do for a living I tell them I stay at home with my kids...and that is usually where the conversation ends. Have you ever noticed that? No one asks what all I do or how I feel about my job - yes this is a job. Sometimes I try to talk about something other than my kids or sweatpants and my opinions don't seem to matter or somehow less informed because I am not in the workforce. It sucks to feel like no one is listening to what you have to say or that what you are saying isn't interesting. So please, next time a mom speaks up, listen to her. Ask her about herself, what she thinks about the upcoming election (we're all going to die!), brainstorm ideas about how to help the refugee crisis, or ways to save money (we know so, so many). She'll try to keep the talk about poop to a minimum.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Thoughts I Have While At The Gym

*Am I the only one who sweats here?

*Probably shouldn't have had that chimichanga for lunch...don't fart, don't fart, don't fart.

*Gross, that guy didn't wipe off the machine after he used it!  Thanks for the roaring case of MRSA or some other flesh eating disease.

*Oh the cute old ladies who do their jazzercize warm ups are back!  Haha I love them.

*Am I getting a wedgie? to successfully pick it without someone noticing...

*Opps...hopefully no one heard that toot...

*(super in shape skinny girl walks by)  Guess I should go up a few notches with the machine resistance.

*You know what would be awesome right now?  Some cake.

*Seriously!  Why is no one else sweating?!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Yay! I'm back! You know you missed me!

It's been awhile, eh?  So...

*I take back everything I said about being excited for Juan Pablo to be the Bachelor.  The first few episodes I got really bored and found him to be so blah.  Show some emotion other than "it's ok" for crying out loud!  The last episode was painful to watch and every girl who left the show dodged a bullet for sure!  Just goes to show that you can't trust a handsome face and an accent...except for Chris Hemsworth of course.

*I joined a gym!  My first post-baby gym workout was Saturday and I thought I was going to die, but it was awesome!  It feels good to work my bod and to have some energy again.  The hubby said I should get up early before he goes to work and head to the gym.  At first I was all, "You've met me right?  I don't do early mornings of my own free will."  I tried it this morning anyway and so far it has been really nice.  So maybe I will keep this 6 AM wake up routine... at least for awhile.

*The other night we were visiting some friends and they had invited over a couple I don't know how I really feel about.  They exude an air of condescension and I'm not down with that.  Anywhozzle, the topic of staying at home with kids came up and the husband of the not-really-liked couple said that it must get boring staying at home with your kids all the time.  Sometimes, but not really.  Sure there are days I would love to get out of the house, but the weather is yucky or my kid is grumpy from teething and might melt down in public. baby is hilarious and so so cute!  Plus he's at the age where he's learning so many new things which is fun to watch and experience with him.  I'm taking what that guy said with a huge grain of salt because they don't have kids and just don't get it.

*My baby learned how to properly use the word no...Jesus take the wheel!

*I just want to take a moment and give a huge shout out to good nurses and doctors everywhere.  You are all amazing!  Having a child with medical issues is incredibly scary.  Some days I feel like I am so inadequate to care for him.  So thank you to you wonderful medical professionals who love what you do, love those you care for, and help out us parents who need you.

*For all you lovers of the show Roswell out there, I found a show that may satisfy your craving for alien/human interactions.  It's called Star-Crossed and I think it is worth the watch!  The story line is fairly original and the love story is not entirely at the center, which makes for a better balanced series.  Check it out Monday nights on the CW network!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Such a Sucker

It doesn't seem to really matter what it is, if there is a baby in it my eyes get a bit teary and my uterus jumps a little at the sight of an adorable munchkin.  I look at my own tot all the time and I just can't even handle it.  His little face is so expressive, especially his eyebrows and he makes me laugh all the time.  Another factoid: I am a such a sucker for babies/little kids with glasses.  I just want to pick them up and keep them in my pocket!  Tiny glasses on tiny faces!  As I was researching something today I found this sweet cherub

If you don't think they're absolutely precious and squeezable then you have no soul. Nuff said.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Downton Abbey Review and A Few Bachelor Comments

Downton Abbey tonight and The Bachelor tomorrow???  So many emotions!  So many feels!

Last week's Downton 

Ms. O'brien just left like that?!  I know she was thinking about it, but her exit did not feel like enough for such a prominent character.  No last minute scheme and we didn't even see her face!

I'm glad that nanny/nurse got fired!  Thank goodness for Thomas' scheming ways.  Cross breed, really?  You're mom's a cross breed!

I still really miss Sybil and Edna better stay away from Branson!

I'm so sad for Lady Mary and poor Master George :{  I'm hoping Mary comes out of her depression soon and with her being involved in the estate's business.

How much do you love Bates and Anna???

Lastly, Long live Maggie Smith as the Dowager of Downton Abbey!

The Bachelor

This season is going to be crazy!  The cat fights, the nakedness, the extra strength crazy ladies!  I'm sorry, but "Free Spirit" and " Dog Lover" are fancy words for "Unemployed".  Juan Pablo seems like he is a nice, genuine guy and I really hope he finds himself a good woman.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Humble Pie is Gross

Good bye 2013, I won't miss you at all!  You kind of sucked...a lot.  There were many hard trials to trudge through and lessons to learn.  There was no shortage of humble pie during last year, and while each slice was hard swallow I feel those pieces were needed.  We're not out of the woods just yet, but I have a feeling this year will be significantly better than the last.  See ya later alligator!